Self Esteem
My dog Barney provided me with a valuable lesson which totally changed how I viewed my past and my self image. Often we'll blame others for our hurt feelings when really it all has to do with what beliefs we've added to the event. All the time, people are showing you through their actions what you truly believe about yourself. Beliefs that you may not even be aware that you have. Discover what thoughts of yours that they're mirroring and it can be the key to understanding yourself in ways you've never thought of before. How do you talk to yourself when you're learning something new or want to change your life? Here are some ways you may be sabotaging yourself without realizing it. Jealousy can be an ugly emotion because it can ruin what should be a happy celebration. By realizing where it’s coming from you can turn the situation around and learn a lot about yourself. Your life story is what you tell yourself over and over and to anyone who will listen. It could be an event from your past or how badly you were treated as a child. Anything that you use to justify your actions. Your life story could be stopping you from achieving your true potential. Find out if it's time to let it go and how to accomplish that. Do you feel like you just don't fit in anywhere? Here are 5 tips on what to do when you feel like an outsider. Self Limiting BeliefsA really good self confidence tip is to take a look at what your limiting beliefs are and then release them. You don't wear shoes two sizes too small so why do you wear someone else's opinion when it doesn’t suit you? What beliefs are preventing you from being the best you can be? Society is very good at telling us what we should be doing with our lives. Here's 4 reasons why your inner voice knows better. Change is scary, especially when it’s a major life change. Here are the 6 main reasons why we are so afraid of any change in our lives and what we can do about it. Here's a really valuable affirmation I recently heard which is so important to remember if you are to get more from life and to achieve your greatest dreams. |
Self Esteem
by Catherine

Body & Health Confidence
by Catherine

It's pretty hard to feel upbeat and positive if you feel tired all the time and struggle to make it through the day, isn't it?
It also makes it tough to accomplish things and then you can end up feeling like a failure because you're not able to fulfill the goals you’ve set for yourself.
Sometimes, all it takes is making a few simple changes and you get completely different results. For example, instead of feeling tired all the time, you suddenly have the energy to do the things you want.
That's what the articles on this page are all about, making healthy choices to dramatically improve your self confidence.
Body & Health Categories
Search For Specific Topic Feeling TiredSAD is also sometimes known as the Winter Blues because it’s usually triggered by the shortened hours of light during the winter. It’s estimated to affect 6 out of 100 people in North America. If you feel tired and are craving carbohydrates, you might be interested in reading my personal story of Life With SAD. It started out with me feeling unbelievably tired all the time. If you feel tired all the time, it can be tough to develop self confidence. Being tired doesn’t always just mean you haven’t had enough sleep. Here’s a few other reasons why you might be feeling tired. I tried out the experiment of drinking more water and I was absolutely amazed at what a difference this simple change made. What's your energy level? Your answer may be the reason why you're not accomplishing as much as you'd like. Here are some tips on how to raise your energy levels. MeditationCenterpointe Research Holosync Meditation CDsI really like these CDs. I always wanted to try out meditation but I could never calm my brain down enough to actually do it. I'd always get distracted and start thinking about something else. These ones are good because you just have to listen to them and it's fine if you think about other things. You still get the calming effects. They're also much more than just for meditation. The way they've created these CDs causes your brain to create new neural pathways. This means that: - Stress levels are lowered but it also raises your threshold for what you can handle. Things that used to bother you will not longer have any effect on you. For me, it's rush hour traffic. Used to drive me crazy, now it doesn't. - Your learning ability, memory, intuition, creativity, and your ability to focus, concentrate and think more clearly are dramatically improved. - Huge leaps in your personal self awareness suddenly occur. It's actually quite amazing that all that is going on while you're put into a deep relaxing state. This is one of the few programs that I've actually been able to keep doing every single day. Usually, I'll start something, do it for a few weeks and then move on to something else. Not with these ones. I religiously listen every single day. These CDs are much different than any other "holosync" or meditation CD I've tried. They don't just sell you the CD and send you on your way. They provide you with tons of information on how to use them and on what to expect as you go through the process as well as a support telephone line to call if you have any questions. They are making a real difference for me. You can get a Free Holosync CD as a demo if you'd like to try before you buy. Feel free to ask me any questions you might have. At first glance, they might seem expensive, but you get a lot for your money (4 CDs, books, support emails, newsletters, etc) but also they actually work. Centerpointe Research Holosync Meditation CDs Even if you don't buy the CD's, you can listen to some really great interviews Bill Harris did with a lot of the people you would have seen in the DVD, "The Secret". People like Joe Vitale, Lisa Nichols, and John Assaraf. You can listen to these interviews for free at: Masters of the Secret Interviews Additional Meditation Ideas NutritionEver wonder if something is wrong with you that you feel so drained all the time? Maybe it’s what you're eating. I found this to be a really helpful resource in figuring out what a good diet really involves. There's so much conflicting information out there and I found that this one made a lot of sense. It also explained to me that it wasn't just a matter of me not having enough willpower to give up foods that I knew were bad for me. There are hormonal factors involved when trying to get off sugar and caffeine. It helped me to understand what my body was going through and how I needed to be healthy first before I could lose weight. I started out taking L-Glutamine to solve my problem of constant stomach aches but it seems to have also solved some of my SAD symptoms like feeling tired and constantly craving sugar. Why Sugar Is Toxic To The Body Nutrition and Bipolar Disorder Supplements PainI had a back ache that just wouldn’t go away. Well, not until I read a book on releasing emotions to heal pain. It was a fascinating new way of regarding the power of our emotions especially when we don’t acknowledge them. Panic AttacksThis web site was recommended to me from a friend who has dealt with panic attacks most of her life. She found it to be a great help in realizing you're not going crazy and there are things you can do. This site has good suggestions on how to manage panic and anxiety attacks while they're happening and even some suggestions on how to reduce the number of attacks you may have. It gives you that extra bit of confidence to just know that you can handle them when they happen. Another good web site is the National Panic and Anxiety Disorder News Seasonal Affective Disorder & Review of SAD LightsSAD is also sometimes known as the Winter Blues because it’s usually triggered by the shortened hours of light during the winter. It’s estimated to affect 6 out of 100 people in North America. If you feel tired and are craving carbohydrates, you might be interested in reading my personal story of Life With SAD. Here are the 4 things I find make the biggest difference when dealing with SAD. If you're thinking of getting a SAD light, here's my review of the two SAD lights I have; the Sadelite and the Litebook which might help you in your decision making. Some Frequently Asked Questions I've received about dealing with SAD. Products to help you deal with SAD. StressThe following story may reveal to you a simple technique to relieve some of your feelings of being pressured. 4 tips on how to learn to enjoy every moment. Additional Resources for Stress Relief It's based on working with your body's different energies and learning how they impact your well-being. They've had great results with it allowing people to release negative feelings whether they originate in the past, the present or are fears about the future. A site which contains a lot of great info on this is Stress Relief With EFT. It explains the process and there's also some great audio instructions you can follow along with. This is a good web site which uses beautiful photographs to motivate and encourage you to take charge of your life and to make positive changes. One page I really liked is about self doubt, "The Path of Self Doubt Leads to No Open Doors" which gets you to question what are you missing out on by listening to your self doubt instead of your dreams. This is a link to the Psychic Junkie web site and on this page it tells you how to calm yourself down and get into the alpha state of mind. There's also an MP3 file you can download for free which is quite relaxing to hear. Additional ResourcesThis web site is about "unlocking the secrets to natural health and beauty". It has some interesting articles and provides information on everything from buying organic clothing to finding healthy household products to easy exercise ideas. |
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